The Fortune Cookie
By Abbacor
“I can’t believe this has
happened to me. Not really. It still feels like a dream. What am I talking
about you ask? Well, I’m lying here in a Full Body Cast made out of black
fiberglass that goes from the top of my head to my toes leaving only the tips
of my toes and fingers, my face, and my groin exposed. And there is no pain.
That’s because not a single bone in my body is broken. Not one. Now you’re
probably wondering how I managed to get myself in this predicament, right? Let
me start by saying that I am not unhappy about my current situation, in fact
I’m in paradise. I still have a hard time believing it’s really happening even
after everything that has happened.
“So how did I get here you say? Hmm,
where should I start? The very beginning? No, that would take too long.
Somewhere in the middle, when this little adventure began to go wrong, and yet
so right. And there is no doubt in my mind where the beginning of this story
should be ...”