Saturday, October 20, 2018

These Hinges Are For You

These Hinges Are For You
a POAW story by Abbacor

Recreational casts tend to fall into two categories.

They can be authentic to the medical use for actual injuries, and if worn for more than a few hours or a weekend will usually follow the normal time frames indicated by the ‘injury’ being presented.

Or, a recreational cast can be used to fulfill a fantasy wish or dream. In these cases they may or may not originate from a ‘normal’ medical situation, but will usually evolve into something that would be considered abnormal in the medical profession. These casts also tend to break the standard time frames of medically necessary casts as well.

This is the story of one such fantasy cast that went a bit farther than normal and got caught up in a world where a man’s wish gave a sort of life to casts that could respond to either medical necessity or fantasy wishes.