Monday, June 9, 2014

The Price of a Wish

The Price of a Wish

James had arrived early by at least an hour, probably two. His friend was not due to be home soon but James didn’t really feel like going anywhere else to pass the time. So, he parked his car out front of his friend’s home and waited. It was warm enough out that he had the sunshades up in the windshield and kept the car running with the AC blowing gently to keep cool. He had a few CD’s of MP3’s in the car to listen to on his in car MP3 player and he settled back and tried to get comfortable to wait. It was not the easiest thing to do as the casts on his legs made getting comfortable in the cramped drivers seat difficult at best. He would find a seemingly easy position to put his feet in but soon the top edge of one cast would start digging into his knee, or the ankle bone of the other leg would be resting against the hard inside of that cast at just the wrong angle and be causing undue pressure at that point. He would shift around in the small amount of space available in the driver’s position to relieve the offended body part, but a few minutes later the other leg would find a new annoyance and make its discomfort known.