Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Day After

The Day After
a Price of a Wish story
by Abbacor

* It is the day after James has been brought to a hospital in central USA. He lies in a private room completely encased in a head to toe glow-in-the-dark cast that only has opening just big enough for medical tubes and wires to pass through, nothing else is exposed. Doctors are at a loss as to what to do and how to handle their patient while reports of the effect of James’ wish begin to crop up from further and further away from where he lay.

In London, England a young woman is about to embark on an adventure that will impact her very life in an unexpected and unfortunate way. Her choice of materials will manage to fulfill the necessary criteria to fall under the now spreading effect that is occurring with any cast that is applied. While the wave of affected people would not reach her part of the world for another four to five days, her own desires and dreams are just as strong as those James holds. Because of this her own creation will ‘come to life’ much earlier than others in her region and she will become the very first non-medical recipient of James’ wish in the world. But due to the differences and timing of her situation her story was lost in the hysteria that quickly erupted. *