Saturday, April 6, 2019

Forced To Wear A Cast - Julies View

 Authors Note: This is a retelling of the second half of Force To Wear A Cast from the other characters point of view, Julie. If you have not read Rebecca's story yet you should do so over at

Forced To Wear A Cast

Forced To Wear A Cast
a Price of a Wish tale
by Abbacor

The original pic by Briwri01 can be found at

“Is this going to work? We’re not really going to break anything are we?”

“No, not if I’m careful. Look, I’ve got foam padding tied around the head on the hammer. As long as I don’t hit too hard then it should just make some painful bruises that will really hurt for two or three days. Just long enough for her to believe there are real broken bones under the cast once we get it on. By the time the pain goes away she’ll be stuck in the cast for the full duration.”