Friday, August 18, 2023

The Chair 4



The Chair 4

By abbacor


This story is based on a trilogy that I found decades ago which was written by a Catherine A. It was quite simply titled, The Chair 1, 2, & 3.

This is my take on that concept.


Chapter One


Andrew was sure he had finally done it, this time. All of those false starts, dead-end alley’s, and years of research. Consulting of pretty much any kind of mystic charts, astrological signs, and omens and portends from the past to the future. Uncounted lost finances from consultations with hucksters, shysters, con-men and women, psychics, and diviners. Prayers, supposed deals with every type of devil and demon, and plain, simple, blood sweat and tears. It just had to be his turn and tomorrow he would find out if it had all been worth it.