Friday, August 9, 2019

The Fundraiser Cast

The Fundraiser Cast

By Abbacor

“Hey doc, your favorite local charity is doing sponsored fundraisers and they have asked us to do an event here at the hospital.”

“That’s great! Did you agree?” 

“Of course we did.”

“Good. What type of event do they want us to do?”

“They want it to be one that is themed to the location, so since we are a hospital they wanted us to do some type of patient related event. We talked and came up with putting one of our doctors in a cast for the event and they liked it.”

“Sounds like fun. Who will be the patient?”

“Since it’s your favorite charity we kinda volunteered you. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. I’d be happy to do it.”

“We figured you would be ok. So you need to sign a couple of forms here. They say you are volunteering as a subject for the fundraiser and basically are willing to do what is asked within reason to comply with and complete the even to the end.”

“Ok. Let me see them.





“Looks ok to me. Seems pretty basic.
“And signed. Here you go.

“When is the event?”

“Today, as soon as possible. We need you to go on down to the ER to get started.”

“Well then I’m on my way.”


“Ok, I’m here. How’s this going to work?”

“Hi Doc! To start off we’re having a bit of a raffle here in the Hospital and the charity is also doing one online simultaneously. Each entry costs ten dollars as a donation to the charity. Votes can be submitted until about ten AM and started an hour ago, so for another two hours. The result will determine the type of cast we are going to put you in.”

“Alright. And once I’m in the cast, then what?”

“Then people can sponsor you with donations per hour for however long you remain in the cast for today.”

“I think I can handle that. Should be interesting to see what type of cast they come up with. It will be different being the one getting put in a cast instead of putting the cast on someone. How many and what kind of votes so far?”

“Not that many actually. And pretty tame on the choices too. How about you go around and kinda goad people a little bit to see if you can get some interest stirred up? Oh, and the online one too.”

“Sure, why not. We need to get the votes pouring in and get a good sized donation by the end of the day. You all are my favorite charity after all.”

~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~

“Ok, one more minute and the polls will be closed Doc. Looks like you really got people going!”

“Yep! I challenged people here in the hospital to come up with something interesting to put me in and basically copied it online too.”

“Well it worked. We’ve had a good one-hundred or more votes here. And time is up. Ok give us a few minutes to tally all the entries and we’ll see what kind of cast you’ll be getting.”

“Over a hundred votes? So you’re talking over a thousand dollars just on the cast raffle already! That’s wonderful! We’ve got to keep this going!”

“Yep, looks like a total of one-hundred-and-twenty votes came in. One-thousand-and-two-hundred dollars already.

“Aaand there. Want to know the type of cast now, or wait to be surprised?”

“Oh, tell me now. What did they come up with?”

“Hm. Something called a Pantaloon Cast. What’s that?”

“Interesting and definitely different. That’s a type of body cast that goes from somewhere on the chest down over the torso and down both thighs to just above the knees.”

“Really? Sounds restrictive.”

“It can be a bit debilitating, that’s for sure. It does tend to eliminate the ability to walk for many patients depending on how it is configured. Guess I’ll be staying in a bed for this one.”

“Well let’s get you on over to the casting room or what ever you all call it and get you setup so we can get a picture to post online and start the sponsoring.”

“Right! Time to get more donations! It’s actually called a cast room by the way. This should be fun!”


“Hey there, it’s my favorite cast tech! Time to put your patient in a Pantaloon Cast!”

“Hey Doc! Oh, that’s different. Been a while since I’ve done one of those. How do we want to do this? Normally the patient will be naked for that type of cast and we’d put them up on the casting frame there.”

“Well, since it’s a charity event, and we’ve only planned it for today so far, can we do the cast over the doctor’s scrubs?”

“Sure, I don’t see why not. But I’ll need assistance putting the cast on her. Feel up to it?”

“I guess, just tell me what to do. Oh, what color will it be? We want something that stands out.”

“I know just the one. What do you think Doc, that BSN Pastel would rock don’t you think?”

“Oh yes! That would be perfect! Do we have enough?”

“Well, since it seems that nobody has been selecting it recently, and we just got a new shipment in with even more of that tape in it, I’d say we have enough to do a head to toe cast in Pastel if we wanted to.”

“Great! You’ll love this! The Pastel is a multi-color tape that is full of bright colors that stand out!”

“Oh, that sounds like fun! Ok let’s get started! What do I need to do?”

“Well since Doc isn’t hurt and we’re leaving her scrubs in place I think we’ll have her get the initial stockinet on first before making her climb up on the frame. That way we can just make minor adjustments to try and keep things smooth afterwards.”

“How do you plan on making this cast?”

“The usual way I figure Doc. Stockinet, padding, plain cast tape, then the color on top and fold back the edges.”

“Alright, sounds ok to me. Not like I’m getting totally naked for this. But, you make a good point about keeping things smooth. And I could end up in this cast for several hours too. Let me go make a minor adjustment here just in case. Be right back.”


“Just going to take off my panties and grab an old pair of smaller scrubs that can be cut up in case I end up needing to go potty while in the cast.”

“Oh, good idea. Hurry back!”

“There, I’m back. A bit breezy feeling but ok. Give me the stockinet so I can pull it over these scrubs.”

“Here you go Doc, one pair of stockinet pants.”

“Nice, pulling out all the toys I see.”

“I figure if the hospital is doing a donation of time and materials for the event, then I’m going to make the cast as real as possible. Heck we’re even donating a doctor after all so why not go all the way!”

“Ha! Sure, why not. Ok, got them on. Help me up on the frame guys.”

“Sure thing.”

“Ok, grab her hand to help steady her there.”

“Yep, got it.”

“Lay back now.

“Help hold her still while I get the foot plates on.

“Now bring your feet up here ... and here ... good.

“Now wrap her feet onto the plate with these elastic bandages to hold them.

“And now to adjust the leg position.

“Ok, got it.

“I figure we’d do the hips at about forty-five degrees or so, that way you can sit up in bed some instead of being stuck flat on your back.”

“Good choice.”

“So what do we do now that she’s up there?”

“Now we wrap her in padding and put in a few foam pads in certain spots. Let me pull out enough cast padding rolls in various sizes and I’ll have you help me mummify the Doc from ribs to knees.

“There, I think that will be enough.

“Since this is a body cast we’ll just be using four and six inch rolls of padding. Grab a couple of the big rolls with me here and we’ll start at the top just under her breasts.

“We’ll go one roll at a time passing it back and forth as we work around her. The extra rolls we grabbed are just so we don’t have to go back over to the counter as often.”

“I’m not pulling too tight am I?”

“Heh, no you’re not. You couldn’t pull these too tight on me if you tried. The padding will just tear if you pull it too hard. Go ahead and pull it as much as you want to make it firm but try to not tear it unless you’re told to.”

“Oh, yea I see how easy it is to tear now. What do I do with it?”

“Just take the loose end in your hand and layer it over the torn part on my belly there and keep going.”

“Like this?”
“Yep, that’s it.”

“Grab another couple handfuls of the same size and we’ll keep going.

“Ok, going around the hips and the crotch just follow my lead and do what I do. We’re going to cover up everything here as we work down to the thighs.”

“But how will we get her off the frame? There’s a poll up between her legs.”

“Once the base structure of the cast is done before we do the color rolls I’ll cut an opening in the crotch and butt and the poll will come loose from the frame with the cut fiber to get it out of the way. The cast should be strong enough to hold her by then. Then we’ll fold all the padding and stockinet over onto the cast and hold it down with the nice outer layer. That creates a nice soft edge on the cast so the patient doesn’t rub a raw spot from the hard edges of the cast. Normally that would also expose the genitals of the patient for access to bathroom needs, except Doc here has scrubs on underneath it all.

“After that we’ll have to get a bed and carry her over to it since she won’t be able to stand up or walk.”

“Oh, ok. Like this?”

“Right, good.”

“Now grab a bunch of the smaller rolls and we’ll do both thighs.

“Go on down and cover the top of the knee a little bit like this.

“There first layer done. Now to cut some foam pads for the bony places.”

“So this is for the places that tend to be possible problem spots for pressure sores in a body cast. The tops of the hips and the tailbone for this cast. I’m going to be sitting up on a bed, so all my weight is going to be coming down on my tailbone and usually the hips are going to be pressed in on if the cast is done right.”

“Which we will we do this right. I won’t do a sloppy cast. So we’ll cut double the pads to give extra padding and bevel the edges a bit. I’ll show you how.”

“That was pretty easy.”

“Yep. We’ll stick all these on which is why I like the sticky-backed pads then do a second padding layer to hold them all in place.

“Ok, all done and ready for the cast tape now. Let’s put the extra padding away first to get it out of the way.

“Grab several of each these boxes right here, the four and five inch, and bring them over to the table which is closer. I’ll get a bucket of water.

“Ok, same procedure as the padding except I’ll be opening the cast packages one at a time and wetting them. Then we’ll pass them back and forth between us. We need to pull enough so the cast is firm but not tight. Doc will let you know if you’re too tight. Here, put these gloves on to protect your hands. There are more over here when you need to change them which you will.”

“Ready for this Doc? You’re about to loose the ability to bend your hips at all!”

“Ready and willing here! This is actually fun and it’s for a great cause!”

“Here we go!”

“Too loose, pull just a little more. Don’t worry that you’re going to hurt me.

“A little too tight on this wrap, back off a tiny bit. There.

“Now you’ve got it. That’s the right amount of firmness.”

“This is kinda hard to get right.”

“It is until you get used to it. A cast needs to conform to the patient’s body as closely as possible so it provides the best possible immobilization to the injured body part. But it also can’t be too tight or it will risk cutting off circulation and or cause pressure points. Plaster is really easy to mold and conform to the body contours before and during the initial set when it starts to get hard. But with fiberglass like we are using since it has a way faster drying time, literally and hour or two versus two to five days, you have to apply just the right amount of firmness while wrapping it in place to get the same effect.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself Doc. Ok, again on the hips just follow my lead.”

“Gotcha. Thanks for the lesson Doc, that was interesting.”

“Sorry, I tend to go into teaching mode.”

“No, seriously. That was actually interesting. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“We’re going to add in a couple of splints to the cast now, so I’ll wet one at a time and place it where it needs to go, then you need to kinda rub it in and hold it in place while I get a roll of cast tape to tie it down with then we’ll do the second one the same way.”

“I can feel the cast heating up through the scrubs. This is a kinda nice feeling.”

“The cast heats up?”

“Sure does. Put your hand flat on it up here.”

“OH! That is really warm. Is it going to get hotter?”

“Not too much more than that. The resin for the fiberglass reacts to any water including the moisture in the air. The more water the faster the reaction which is why we dunk them in a bucket of water to get it started. You only have about three or four minutes of good working time once you get the roll wet. Hotter or colder water can change that time a little bit either way.

“As it reacts and starts to bond to the fiberglass bandages, which makes them hard and rigid and glues them together, it goes through a chemical exothermic reaction. In other words it generates heat. The resin used in medical applications does not get hot enough to burn the skin unless too much is put on too fast and without the appropriate amount of padding between the patient and the cast tape. I’m perfectly safe and the heat is actually soothing.”


“Good, both splints in place. Now another layer of the white tape and we should be able to cut the perinea opening.”

“Gosh, this cast looks kinda thick. Is this normal?”

“Yep, this is what is should look like. We’ll wait about ten or fifteen minutes to make sure the cast is firm then I’ll cut the opening.”

“The cast is already hard enough that I can’t move my hips anymore, but it’s still setting so if you were to put me on a hard surface right now it would develop a flat spot which could cause a pressure point and a sore under the cast.”

“There, got the opening cut out.

“Here, put on some fresh gloves.

“Get ready for this, you’re going to love it.”

“Oh my god, that’s the multi-color tape? It looks like tye-dye! It’s wonderful!”

“Isn’t it great? And I get to be in a big cast from my boobs to my knees looking like that! It’ll really stand out!”
“Yes it will! I can’t wait to see the reactions from this once I get the picture online!”

“Hold the stockinet here and here so I can get a wrap over it to pin it down.

“And hold here.

“And that’s the last roll for the cast. It’s done! Let’s wait another fifteen minutes then grab a bed and get her on it.

“Here we go, this one should work.

“Unwrap her feet and I’ll remove the foot plates while you hold them.

“Ok. Come on the side with me and you get her legs and butt while I get the small of the back and shoulders.

“Lift her up and we’ll go backwards a couple steps away from the frame and then swing around to the bed and put her down.

“And there. Comfy?”

“Wow! That is amazing! How does it feel?”

“I really love this cast! Perfect color choice. It feels good. No obvious tight spots or pinching. And I can’t move my hips at all. Very tight in that regards. Pull up the pant legs and let me see a circulation test down there.”

“How’s that? Can you see?”

“Um, not really. I can’t sit up enough. Go lower.”

“Good. That looks good. Not too tight then.”

“Time for the picture! Let me go grab my digital camera! Oh, and I’ll start sending all the people here who did the raffle this way so they can see it and you can convince them to do sponsorships!”

“Heh-heh. Excited isn’t he? This bed is too plain for a pic. I know.

“Here. Let’s add some strips of Coban bandages on the rails to brighten it up.”
“Good idea. What colors do we have? We’ve got ... one ... two ... four spaces per side.”

“Um, we only have seven colors. We can just double up on one color.”

“OH! You added streamers! Nice addition, it looks good.

“And there we go, one picture for the website.”

~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~

“Hey Doc. I know you’ve been in the cast for two hours now. Are you doing ok?”

“Yea, I’m fine. A bit bored since I can’t really move out of bed but good otherwise.”

“That’s good.

“We had a special request come in. Someone offered to donate one-hundred-and-fifty dollars per arm to cast them in the same color as the body cast.

Are you willing to do it? You’ll have to stay in the casts for at least another hour after that and they’ll sponsor one-hundred dollars per arm per hour.”

“How much have we gotten in sponsors so far?”

“Not a whole lot. Plenty of people are sponsoring you, but since it’s per hour they don’t seem to want to go very high in case you go a long time. We’ve only gotten around seven-hundred dollars total for the two hours.”

“Another five-hundred dollars for another hour? Of course I’m good with that! Let’s do it!”

“Great! I’ll go get our cast tech and let him know what needs to be done! The sponsor was kinda of specific.”

“Hey Doc. Gonna add to the casting I see.”

“Yep, and for five-hundred dollars. It’s a good cause!”

“Well, this one is really specific. You might be surprised.”

“Oh? How specific?”

“Well, you see ... um ... “

“You know what, it’s only for another hour. Just surprise me and do it.”

“Ok Doc. I’ve got the supplies right here.

“Give me your arm.”

“Going all the way up then?”

“Pretty much.”

“You’re wrapping my fingers up? All of them?”


“Oh, that’s interesting. Keeping my fingers and thumb all together and flat.

“Elbow straight? Huh.”


Ok, this is going to be different. How high again?”

“Just below the armpit.”

“And both arms the same way?”


“The cast is heating up. Still feels nice, but I can’t move my fingers or hand already. This is going to really leave me helpless.”

“One down, one to go.”

“Wow, I really can’t move my arm at all from the pit down. Just the shoulder. It looks great though next to the body cast.”

“And two done. How do they feel?”

Good. Soft on the inside but I can’t move anything in there. Even my fingers are practically rigid with how you pressed the cast around them. Good job. I am now officially unable to do anything for myself.”

“Hey, look at you! You’re already done! Wow! Those look great with the first cast!

“So at least one full hour now to get the full sponsorship on them. Of course if you can stand to keep them on longer that’s another two-hundred dollars an hour. Just sayin’.

“Let me take some pictures here with time stamps for proof.

“And got them. I’ll go post them online.”

“He’s got a point there. If I can stay in these for two hours that would be seven-hundred dollars. That would double what we got for the first two hours so far. Plus add on what ever all the other sponsorships would generate for two more hours as well. I’ll see if I can stand it for that long. It’s not hurting me any other than I can’t do my job right now.”

“Yea, you can’t physically go around. But I’ve seen and heard you answering every question a nurse or another doctor has come to you with so you’re still supporting the shift that way.
“I’ve got to get back to my cast room. Have fun!”


“Nurse, how long has it been now?”

“It’s been ... another hour so far.”

“Ok, one hour down in these arm casts.

“Nurse, I think we’re going to have to do something about some urinary relief here.”

“Oh, ok Doc. Um, how do you want to do this?”

“I intentionally grabbed an old pair of scrubs from the used bin and I took off my panties before I got casted. So, we can just cut open the seam of the scrubs and use whatever is most convenient.”

“Ok Doc. How convenient do you want to get?”

“Let’s get a female funnel and fracture pan this time around. Hopefully I won’t need to go more than that.”

“Yes Ma’am. Be right back.

“Here we go. Let me cut the scrubs open then you can get some relief. I also grabbed a blue drape that I can tuck up into the cast after to cover you up so it won’t be obvious or noticeable.”

“Good thinking.

“Ah, much better. I think I was about to burst there. I shouldn’t have held it so long. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome Doc. And you’re all tucked and covered.”

“Hi Doc. What was the nurse here for?”

“Just some personal relief.”

“Oh. All good now I hope?”

“Yep, good to go but quite helpless like this. It’s interesting not being able to do anything for myself at all now.”

“I can imagine.

“So. We have a new special request from a new donor come sponsor. They saw the new pics and wanted to know if you’d go further.”

“Yea? What do they want? And how much?”

“They wanted to extend you leg casts all the way out and have you keep them for an extra hour minimum again. For that they’ll do five-hundred per leg. And two-hundred per hour after the first.

“The sponsor for the arms is good with that too. They’ll keep their sponsorship going for it too. Some of the other sponsors are going to drop out after the next hour though.”

“Oh. So a thousand dollars to encase my legs and feet for another hour? I’m not sure. This is fun and all, but I can’t move much as it is. Even if I am starting to bring in some bigger sponsorships with this.”

“Well, the thing is, we already told them yes.”

“You did what?”

“Well, yea. Like you said, you’re already pretty immobile and helpless like you are now, and it’s not really going to change much adding on to the rest of your legs and feet. The cast tech said it would be simple enough and he’s setting up to do it right now.

“And it’s not like you could stop us at this point. Like you just said, you can’t move enough to do anything about it. And you signed a contract saying you would comply.

“Once we reach the two hours with the arm casts we’ll take you to the cast room and add in the leg and feet casts.”


“Hi Doc. All ready for the addition here.”

“Gee thanks. I appreciate you saying you would get setup for this even before I was informed of the new changes.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you weren’t told about it. I thought they had gotten your ok first. I can take it all down.”

“No, it’s ok I guess. I’m just not real pleased with decisions being made for me not with me this time. But, as was specifically pointed out, I did sign a contract for this and it is a lot of money for the charity. I can handle it.”

“Alright, if you’re good with it then let’s do it.

“Shoes and socks are out so those are coming off.

“There. Now the next step.”

“Hey! What are you doing pulling on my pant legs like that with scissors in hand?”

“You need to lose the pants.”

“What? Now wait. What do you mean lose the pants?”

“Sorry Doc, but I’m not leaving those pants on under there if I’m going to fully enclose your legs. They have to go. And we’re all medical professionals here. Not like I haven’t seen it before.”

“Yea, but it’s mine this time. But fine, I understand.

Just how do you propose to get them out now?”

“I’m going to pull the legs down as far as I can and split the inseams as far up as I can get without hurting you. Then I’ll split the seams out of the crotch as far down the inseam as I can. Then we can start pulling the pants up from the top as far as possible until the next uncut inseam is visible, cut some, pull some more, cut some more, and keep going until they are out and pull them off over your head.

“That gets the lower legs cut.

“Well what’s this up here? A drape?”

“Yea. I had to go earlier so the scrubs got cut in the crotch and we put a drape in for decency after.”

“Well that gets us started then. And we can tuck the drape back up in afterwards with a large incontinence pad for decency and protection.

“I’ll get a bit more I can see here then it’s time to start pulling out from the top.

“Dang, your body weight is pinning them down.

“What if we roll you from side to side some?

“Yea, that’s working. Just gonna take a little longer.

“There they go. That’s the last bit of cutting needed. Now to just wiggle the rest of the legs out the top.

“And the pants are out. Time to get you on my table.”

“We can’t do it here on the bed?”

“Nope. I need to get you on your back and put your feet up in slings to get the right angle on the legs.

“Ok, now try to hold yourself down flat on your back here like this. Good. I’ll get your feet up which should hold you in place better.”

“Holding my knees straight out? Not bent?”

“Yep. Once I’m done I figure the addition with the legs and feet will be just about heavy enough to make your legs stay down flat on the bed.

“I’m gonna get both legs done down to the ankles then take the slings away and finish up the feet.

“There. Legs are done. Doing ok so far?”

“The casts are still warm which is nice, but I can’t bend my knees now. Let’s just get this finished.”

“Sure thing Doc.

“And done. Good?”

“Wow. Completely encasing the toes too. No openings. And I can hardly tell where the join is with the original cast. If I didn’t know where to look I don’t think I could find it. And no wiggle room. I’m beginning think you’re too good at your job. I can’t move anything you’ve encased. At least the cast is making me sit up flat now.

“Whoops. Well almost if I don’t try to lean backwards. I’ll need a little extra support there.

“Um, mind giving me some decency before someone else comes in and starts taking pictures again?”

“Oh, right. Just a minute.

“Nurse, can you go grab one of the extra large patient incontinence pads pronto please? I need one in here for a patient in a body cast.

“Thank you. I’ve got it from here.

“There, pad in place and drape tucked in securely. All covered up.”

“Thanks. And just in time.”

“Oh wow! Yet another great addition! Got to get some pictures!

“And done! This is great! You guys do a great job, and you’re bringing in a bumper amount of donations for this. We really appreciate it.”

“Well it is a good cause, so for that I am glad. But this is getting a bit much. I can’t move anything that is in a cast right now. And I mean nothing. No movement at all. Picasso here is damn good at making a tight form fitting cast.

“How much longer do I have to go now?”

“Well to get a substantial donation going here with all the ones who have dropped out, we’re going to keep you in this for four hours. Adding everything up if we stop there you will have brought in six-thousand-and-seven-hundred dollars.”

“Are you serious? You’re going to keep me like this for four more hours?”

“Yes we are. Think about all the good that money will do. It’s going to help so many.”

“Yes, I suppose it will. Fine then.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll have you in your bed here right down where you’ve been all along so everyone can keep a close eye on you. You’ll be fine. You said the casts are comfortable and not too tight so you’ll be fine.”

“I suppose so. Not much left of me to cast now though. I wonder how much they would pay to finish me off in a full head to toe body cast.”

“Um, that’s an interesting thought. But yeaaaa, I don’t think you’d really want to do that would you?”

“I don’t know really. If the price were right? I might be convinced. Probably not though. This is really restrictive already and I really am at the mercy of others now.”

“I need to go post these pictures now. I’ll see you later.”


“Nurse, how long has it been this time?”

“Only about an hour so far Doc.”

“Damn. With all the water you guys are pushing on me to stay hydrated I’ve kinda already had an accident in the pad. If you’re going to keep pushing water on me like this then we better go with a catheter to keep the mess to a minimum.”

“Are you sure Doc?”

“No, but I can handle it for a few hours I guess. Go get one and let’s do it.”


“I’m back. Let me just close the curtain here.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes. Just do it.”


“And done. You are now peeing into a bag. And I guess we have been pushing a lot of water on you, that’s a good bit filling up there. We’ll need to empty it soon. Guess we need to slow down a bit.”

“Well with the bag visible you’ll have something to monitor me by.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Hours Later At 8PM ~~~~~~~~~~~

“Hi Doc. Doing ok? What’s that tube there?”

“That tube is a catheter to control my peeing so I don’t make a mess in this cast or on the bed.

“I am doing as well as can be expected. I am bored, grumpy, a little irritated with you, uncomfortable because of the catheter and I can’t move, but glad this is about to be over. And I am glad for the amount of donations I brought in today as well.

“Why are you drawing the curtain closed?”

“Well, I want to have a private talk with you here.”

“Oh? And just what is it now?”

“We have another sponsor request.”

“Of course you do. And why?”

“Well, you kinda said you might be convinced to go the full monty so to speak for the right amount. So I posted it online to see if there was any interest.”

“You did what?”

“I made it sound like the amount would be extremely high. There were a few non-serious inquiries that I quickly sent away and when it was down to about forty-five minutes left I figured there would be no takers. Then at the thirty minute mark I got a serious offer. I tested it and they upped the offer on their own. Really raised it up it too.”

“You posted that I would do a full body cast based on my off hand comment even after I said I probably would not do it anyways? Are you nuts!

“And now you have someone offering you big money to actually do it? Just how big out of curiosity?”

“Um, really big. They said they would take over all of the sponsorships for the rest of the day from the time each of them stopped all the way until midnight. That’s a lot of money just for that there. It comes out to around sixty-four-hundred dollars. Nearly double what we’ve gotten so far. And that’s not all.”

“Wait. Another six-thousand-four-hundred dollars to go until midnight? That’s what, over thirteen thousand dollars isn’t it?”

“Thirteen-thousand-and-one-hundred to be exact. And they are offering more than that.”

“To add in the last bit of my body in the cast, right?”


“How much? And how much?”

“They want to add in your shoulders neck and head. Full deal. Until the morning. For that they will double the total sponsorship. Twenty-six-thousand-and-two-hundred dollars total for you to be in a total body cast until the morning.”

“Good grief. And you say this offer is legitimate? You’ve checked it some how?”

“Yes we have, and it is a real offer. They’ve given us proof of who they are and this person can do it. Their lawyers have already confirmed it is valid. They want to remain strictly anonymous though to anyone who does not have an absolutely necessary need to know, including you.”

“That ... That is a lot of money. But I have to be completely encased until morning to do it. That’s hard to swallow. I don’t know.”

“But think of it, twenty-six-thousand-and-two-hundred dollars. So much we can do with that kind of money. And we would be sure to make it public that you were the one who pulled in this donor. We couldn’t do any less. You’d be our highest grossing volunteer of all times to date.”

“The recognition would be nice, but it’s not my style. I’d be ok with not being hyped like that too.

“But to completely not be able to move anything at all. That would be difficult even for one night.

“I suppose it would be doable though. It’s already starting to get late so I’d need to eat something first. And I’ve got a catheter in already.

“And I guess a sleep aide or relaxant shot would be allowable to help get through the night too. Plus I’d have to be admitted and put up in a room here to watch after me.

“I guess I could do it physically.

“But do I want to do it mentally?

“I want to help the charity out, that’s why I did this in the first place. I do want to do that.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”
“Um, hold on there pardner. I did not say yes. I only said I want to help the charity. Which I have already done.

“Give me about ten minutes alone to really think about this.”

“Ok, I’ll leave the curtain shut to give you privacy and I’ll be back in ten.”


“So, I gave you twenty minutes actually. What do you think? Will you do it?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can do a full body cast all night. It’s too much and I already want out of this one. The time is over as it is. I’m tired and I’m done. Go get which ever tech is on duty and it’s time to get me out.”

“I was afraid you’d say that.”

“Ouch! What the hell did you just stab in my neck and inject me with?”

“A fast acting relaxant and sleep aide mixed together. Just enough to make you unable to communicate but not enough to put you out completely. You’ll be out of commission in a minute or two.

“There was another addendum to the new offer as well. I was holding it back until I got your answer as I had a feeling you’d not agree, and the second part would probably have you yelling which would not be good. Now I don’t need to worry about that with your little cocktail now do I?

“You see, they offered us ten-million to go even further. I just could not pass that up. Once morning comes you’ll remain in your full body cast and be transferred to a private clinic that has been arranged which will take care of you for at least a month.”






“Oh? Is that so? How will you stop me? You’re helplessly encased from the armpits down already and can’t defend yourself. And you’re already slurring your speech. Shortly you won’t even be able to be understood.

“You see, I recorded our conversation earlier so I have you saying you would do it on record. And I’ve been recording us now. With some careful editing I can have a tape saying you want to go the whole way and you wanted an injection to put you at ease.

“You see I actually do have a medical license to dispense drugs. I have a good bit of knowledge in that area for the work the charity does with stray dogs. We often need to sedate them to give them the help they need.”

“Blukul resmil.”

“And you are now quite compliant. Time to get your cast finished up. I got the cast tech to hang around tonight in case we needed him so I’m sure the addition to your cast will be a good one.”

~~~~~~~~~~~ Thirty Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~

“So we are going to do one more addition to the Doc’s cast and then admit her for the night, and this new sponsor is going to double the donations to how much again?”

“That’s right. It will amount to a total of twenty-six-thousand-and-two-hundred dollars.”

“And Doc agreed to this?”

“She sure did. I had a long talk with her over her pros and cons for this, and in the end she agreed to it. Since she couldn’t use her hands to sign anything I recorded it with her permission if you’d like to hear it?”

“Actually, I would.”

“Very well. Here it is.”

“Well I guess that is it. That’s the Doc alright. And she wanted a shot right then too huh? How come?”

“She said she didn’t want to chicken out after she agreed, plus as she mentioned it would help her pass the night more comfortably. I got someone to give her a shot like she asked.”

“Ok, so what’s the addition we’re gonna do?”

“The sponsor provided a picture for the end result. From what I see her cast is mostly there already. It’ll just be getting the arms attached at the right angle and including the head just right.”

“Doesn’t look too hard at all. Do they want the rings for the suspension support too?”

“I believe so, considering this is what they provided.”

“A bit odd, but then the whole thing is already anyways. Easily done. The head angle is a bit of a concern though. That angle is a bit steep. Could cause breathing issues.”

“Can you do it as far as possible without the risks? We do not want to harm the Doc.”

“Yea, I can bend the head up a bit less than shown and keep it safe. Completely covering up the face except for the eyes will be bad enough, I don’t want to risk pinching off her airway.”

“Ok. Then let’s get started. I’ll go get her and bring her in to the cast room for you. I can assist again if you need me.”

“That will be good, I can use help for this one.”


“Ok, Let’s get her up on the table here first.

“Careful of the catheter tube there.

“I think first I will add the rings to the legs and wrists for the suspension. We can use those to help hold her in place when we do the rest of the cast.

“There, four rings in place. By the time we get the table set right they will be solid.

“Watch her to make sure she doesn’t roll off. She’s really loopy there and might throw her self off by accident.

“Good, got her legs strung up. She’s not going anywhere now.

“We need to pull out the scrub top and her bra.”


“Yea. When I did the legs and feet her shoes definitely came off, and I was able to get her pants out too so nothing would be restricting her underneath. Too many chances for a pressure sore with all that wrinkled up cloth under there. Same thing with the chest now that we are not going to be able to monitor it or speak to her.”

“Oh, I see what you mean.”

“If you pull up on the cast from the front.

“Grab the edge of the cast itself there.

“Just sit her up, that should give me enough room to pull the scrubs out of the cast.

“Yep, that did it. Now help me pull them off over her arms here. It’s a bit awkward with the casts.

“And now the bra which will be fairly easy.

“Good. Now help me put this stockinet shirt on her. I can trim it shorter to go with the existing cast we already have.

“There. That works. Just tuck it up under the edge of the cast like so and we’re good.

“We need to suspend her arms at the right angle now for this. Help me hold her arms in the right places.

“Raise that arm just a bit more. Good.

“I’m gonna put her head in a harness for now while we get her arms and shoulders tied into the main body cast. She’s rolling it around too much.

“Good, that’s keeping her head still enough.”

“It’s not too tight is it? It seems like you really pulled it tight there. That sounded like a lot of clicking.”

“No, she’s ok. I didn’t put all that much tension on her head really. I used a rigid harness that requires tension to hold the head, but most of the clicking is to make the harness tighten up right.

“Now we play the mummy game again and roll padding on with a couple of foam pads for the shoulders.”

“What about her head?”

“We’ll do the head last after we secure the arms to the existing cast.

“Just pull the collar on up over her face to get it out of the way.

“And padding added. Let’s get the cast tape out and tie it together.”

“That looks good. I can’t really tell where the original cast edges are at now.”

“If I do my job right then you shouldn’t. Which I do of course. That means there are no edges on the inside that are pressing in on one side where they shouldn’t so no bad pressure points to worry about.

“Now to finish it off with her head.

“I’ll need you to mainly hold her head and help support it in the right position while I roll on the padding then the cast tape.

“Looks like she’s finally drifted of to sleep completely. That’s better for her and us.

“Ok, I want you to keep her head right about here as best as you can.

“Because we’ve going to enclose her mouth I’m going to slide in a combination biteplate and mouth guard here. That will help to keep her tongue in place and not choke her and keep her airway open better.

“Good. Got the padding and some foam pads on. Just keep holding her head still and help watch to make sure I lay the cast tape down smoothly. No wrinkles or folds.

“And were done.”

“Almost. You need to add in one more ring on the top of the head.”

“That I do. And I think for safety reasons I am going to put a window in over her throat just in case of emergency. You can never be too safe.”

“Ok, I certainly agree to being safe. Can you wait a few minutes after we have the ring added though? I want to get a few pictures that match the drawing for the sponsor.”

“Um, let me check her.

“Yea, sure. She sounds like she’s breathing fairly regularly and not stressing much. We should be good for pics.

“Ring in place, and strung up to the frame like the rest. Get your pics.”

“Done. Thanks. Lets get the safety window done now.”

“And now to take her up to a room.

“Oh, hey, I didn’t think ahead. Do we have a room for her?”

“Yep. I got that arrangement started before I came to get you for the cast. There should be one waiting by now I am guessing.”

“Good job.

“Hey, Nurse. Can you check and see if we got a room for Doc here yet?”

“Um, let’s see. Yep there it is. Take her on up to the ward, they’re ready for her.”

“Great! Let’s roll.”

“Hi! Is that the Jane Doe ready for us there?”

“Jane Doe?”

“Oh, yea. Doc said that she didn’t want the notoriety for doing this, so when I got the room arrangements started I had them enter her in as a Jane Doe. Hopefully that will keep too many people from knowing.”

“Ok, makes sense I guess.

“And there she is, all snug in a cast and in her room.”

“Oh, her face is all covered up. We should probably get an I.V. line in there somewhere. This cast is really covering up everything. If something needs to be added we’re going to have to window it some.”

“I kinda figured on an I.V. line. I made the trachea window a bit wider on one side. You should be able to slip one in the jugular there.”

“Yep, just enough room there it looks like. I’ll do it right now. Be right back.”

“It’s been a long day and I’m way past my shift. I’m going home.”

“Thank you for staying and helping out like this. It was a big help. We really appreciate it.”

“No problem. Good night.”

“I’m back. Did the tech leave?”

“Yea, he’s beat and headed home.”

“Oh, and who are you?”

“I am the representative for the charity, and her liaison to her sponsor for the fundraiser she’s doing. Plus I’d like to think I’m a friend to be here for her.”

”Ok, That works.

“And there, I.V. inserted. I’m going to order a saline hydration pack for her in this big thing. I can’t really get much in the way of monitors on her but I’ll try to get a couple of the more important ones on ... somewhere.”

“You should also include a strong sleep aide of some type too. She’s probably going to be uncomfortable when she wakes up later, and she did actually ask for that so she could pass the night in relative ease. It would be best she did not wake for too long.”

“You’re right, I see it here in the orders already. I’ll get a nice drip going through the I.V. for her and she’ll be out all night.”

“And she’s gone. Good.

“Nice of her to add in an easy to find injection port for me.

“Now to inject this little syringe to wake Doc up.

“Hi there. I wanted you to know what it was like to be completely encased, helpless, and unable to communicate. The drugs I gave you earlier should be wearing off for the most part by now so you’ll get the full effect of your new cast and understand me fairly well.

“Oh, I see you found out your mouth is stuffed full so you can’t make any intelligible noises. I can barely hear you trying to moan and grunt.

“No, don’t bother trying to blink messages, I don’t care and you probably would not be very nice to me right now.

“Before the nurse gets back with your hydration pack and sleep drip that she’s going to put you on, I want to repeat what’s in store for you in case it didn’t register the first time.

“You’re going to be in this cast all night. Probably asleep for the better part of it. Early in the morning the staff from the private facility will show up with orders to have you transferred to their facility. You will be picked up by them and taken away. There you will probably remain in this same cast for the next month at the least. I really don’t know what will happen after that. By then you will be under the influence of your new sponsor and it will be their decisions about you that will affect your life from there.”

“Good bye.”

“Oh, are you leaving?”

“Yes, I’ve been here all day too. She woke up by the way, and managed to indicate she’s definitely having a few cramps. Getting her relaxed and asleep as soon as possible would be best maybe?”

“That would probably be best since she’ll be in that cast for the night.

“Ok, Yes I see you are awake. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well in there. I’ll have this drip hooked up as quick as I can so you can go back to sleep again.

“Good, her eyes are closing and she’s going to sleep. She won’t be waking up again for the night now with the continuous drip going. She’ll be more comfortable that way.”

The End